What Will Your Buyer Be Looking For?

The buyer loves your business; it’s just what they have been looking for. They have reviewed your financial statements and have made an offer contingent on several items. You’ve reviewed the offer and it looks fine, so what’s next? The contingencies in the deal mean that the buyer or their […]

What to Know Before the End of the Year

There are many reasons small business owners decide to close their businesses: cash flow difficulties, too much competition, the economy, retirement, or wanting to move on to another opportunity. Whatever the reason, having a thorough plan for business dissolution is just as important as it was to follow your business […]

Keep your business reputation safe online

Protect yourself Since 2004, the United States has recognized the importance of cybersecurity by appointing October National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. It emphasizes how essential it is for each of us to protect ourselves and our businesses against the technology and data threats present in the online world. Keeping your business […]