Many visitors to this blog will have encountered Simon Sinek. He is famous for the phrase ‘Start with the Why’. It would therefore seem arrogant not to take his advice. So here is the Why, How and What of my Innovation Without Tears manifesto. If you want to know more about […]
Hackathons Do Not Grow Radishes • Derek Cheshire
Hackathons! I bet you have noticed posts about them or maybe even been to a few. They can be fun, they can even help young entrepreneurs get a feel for getting into the world of business. Some produce good ideas, but fundamentally they are rubbish. So why do I think […]
The Mobius Strip And Knowledge Sharing • Derek Cheshire
A huge thank you to Dr Mobius. For those not familiar with this strip it is technically a 1 dimensional surface (a mathematical construct) not a 2 D object. To make your own simply take a strip of paper, put a half twist into it, and then tape or glue […]
The Secret To Innovation • Derek Cheshire
The secret to innovation is …. that there is no secret! There are a few things to consider but these are definitely not secret. Also, please do not believe that Innovation is the preserve of a select few, the Innovation Gurus that have sprung up everywhere. As the great Charles […]
Do You Use Bad Language At Work? • Derek Cheshire
No, I am not referring to swearing or uttering profanities. Do you use language at work that is not appropriate in a way that is not understood by other people? This is language that is bad for communication, bad for understanding and ultimately bad for organisational culture and of course […]
Does Innovation Cost A Lot? • Derek Cheshire
How much is a lot? A million dollars may be a lot to some and small change to others. If you are intending to spend on Innovation then it also depends on exactly what you are buying. The word Innovation covers a multitude of activities but at the very basic […]
How Long Does Innovation Take? • Derek Cheshire
Recently I attempted to answer the question ‘how much?’ and now ‘how long?’. These are probably the two most frequent questions that I am asked, regarding innovation. If you have not already seen my article about the cost of innovation you may find it useful. The thing is, the answer […]