Contracts and power | Seth’s Blog

Bethany N. Bookout

A written contract benefits the party with the least power. Power might be in the form of money, access to plenty of lawyers or simply a willingness to burn it all down to the ground. In the moment before a contract is signed, the lower-powered party momentarily has more power. […]

Comment le créer et le configurer pour le SEO?

Le fichier robots.txt, aussi connu sous le nom de protocole d’exclusion des robots, est un fichier particulièrement intéressant. Il permet de fournir des directives aux robots des moteurs de recherche quant à l’exploration (crawling) des pages de votre site web. Contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser, il est très […]

4 ways HR can respond during economic changes

Change and uncertainty are increasingly becoming the only certainty today; however, HR can help. HR in economic changes is critical for how businesses navigate these changes. Continue learning the role of HR in economic changes. Later, explore HR strategies to help ensure resiliency. HR in economic changes: the challenges From […]

Knight-Bagehot now accepting applications for 23-24

Applications are now open to mid-career journalists for the Knight-Bagehot fellowship in economics and business journalism at Columbia University. It offers journalists the opportunity to enhance their understanding and knowledge of business, economics, finance and technology, as well as gain a strong understanding of the business of journalism itself. The […]